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     Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project


2016年12月籌備,2017年02月開展的【Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project】,此專案專門為2015年4月25日尼泊爾發生8.1級受地震影響的婦女而成立。我們期望通過此項目獲得更多有心人能關注及支持尼泊爾婦女的生存權益,並且關注尼泊爾偏遠山區婦女因”Chaupadi” 的傳統,每月數天,都會被看成會帶來厄運不潔之人、逐出家門。按習俗要她獨自在一間小屋,婦女們會因寒冬生火取暖,窒息死亡或被野生動物咬死。都市女生境遇稍好,但仍未完全擺脫禁忌。如此岐視她們還要多久?





Prepared in December 2016, launched in February 2017, “Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project” was set up for women affected by the earthquake on 25 April 2015 in Nepal. We hope that more people will be able to care for and support the rights of Nepalese women through this project and to make women aware of the tradition of "Chaupadi" in Nepal's remote mountainous areas.  It is seen as  "Out of the House"during menstruation period and women are regarded as untouchable during such period of time. According to traditional custom, women are forced to live outside of home alone in a hut during the menstruation period. In cold winter nights when they light up fire for warmth,  they might got suffocated or killed by wild animals. Urban girls are in a better position, but the society is not completely free of taboo. How long will such discriminatory practice last?



So we hope to do a sustainable project in Nepal Chuchepati. Start a social enterprise, run a continuous post-disaster service, improve the lives of the victims.There are multiple meanings behind the setting up of a social enterprise which mainly produces cotton sanitary napkins. First, through the employment of women in the tent area, we create job opportunities, which on the one hand can improve their family income, encourage these women to rely on themselves, on the other hand through the professional skills, design and production of cotton sanitary napkins, encourage recycling of goods which increases environmental awareness and sustainable consumption, improve their self-confidence and social status. Second, we hope that the women in the disaster area will personally bring blessings and feedback to the community sincerely - through the monthly production of 100 cotton sanitary napkins distributed to women in remote mountainous areas free of charge, hoping that lives affect other lives and that the fate of women in remote mountainous areas can be changed.





非常感恩2017年的春季,我們邀請了香港插畫師Little Half 小半、四川青年藝術家及村童一起在四川富順縣山區繪畫了九幅巨型牆繪,為農村加添色彩及正能量。我們同時告知小半,尼泊爾山區婦女的困境和需要,希望把九幅巨型牆繪以「仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、節制」為主題印製成一套九款的POSTCARD義賣,作為支持「Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project」至今我們已義賣明信片、手工香皂、防蚊磚及慈善捐款共港幣55,038、人民18000元。


鳴謝Home Ground 贊助場地舉辦2017年5月21日分享會。同時感謝「木風.手工肥皂」、「桌樂無限BG」、「The Altar shop」、「阿貓地攤」、「Sole Café」得知我們計劃的目的後,也全力為支持,為我們提供了義賣產品、義賣場所。很感謝他們的幫助,更重要是花香幕後的守護天使Bonny Law, Cathy Lo, Elane Chow, Eva Chan, Eva Tse, Debbie Tang, Helen Lam, Kathy Chan, Koria Liu, Mary, Joanne Wong, Sarina Lau, Stephen Ma, Violet Tam, Simon Chan (高山) 在這個計劃的付出的行動力和支持,我們充分地感受到了愛與關懷的傳遞。

So we hope to raise an amount of HK $ 300,000 as a three-year seed fund for the establishment of social enterprises so that more people can see and bless their needs.



We are very grateful that in the spring of 2017, we invited an illustrator from Hong Kong, Kathy Chan (Little Half), as well as Sichuan young artists and children to gather together in the mountains of the Fushun County to paint nine giant wall paintings, adding color and positive energy to the countryside. We also told Kathy Chan about the story of the Nepalese mountain women, and hope that the nine wall paintings with the themes of "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" can be printed into a set of nine postcards for charity sale, This serves as a support for "Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project".  So far we have sold postcards, handmade soaps, anti-mosquito bricks and this resulted in charitable donations totaling HK $ 55,038 and RMB 18,000. 

Acknowledgments:  We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the following parties.


Home Ground who sponsored the venue for our sharing held on May 21, 2017.


At the same time thanks to “木風.手工肥皂”, ”桌樂無限BG”, ”The Altar shop", ”阿貓地攤”, ”Sole Café", who upon learning about the purpose of our plan, have provided full support in terms of the sale of bazaar and the venue for bazaar. We really appreciate their help.


Most importantly, thanks to the guardian of IDLE behind the scenes: Bonny Law, Cathy Lo, Elane Chow, Eva Chan, Eva Tse, Debbie Tang, Helen Lam, Kathy Chan, Koria Liu, Mary, Joanne Wong, Sarina Lau, Stephen Ma, Violet Tam and Simon Chan.  They paid a lot of effort and provided support in this plan. We can fully feel the spread of love and care.

按此觀看 Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project財務報告。

Click here for the Happiness Sunflower Handcraft Project's financial report.

IDLE 花香藝術館

Innovation Design Life Education Flowers Museum

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Nepal Workshop

Chabahil,Chuchepati (Opposite Of KL Tower) Kathmandu,Nepal  |

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